This feature extends the existing functionality of marking steps or an entire knowby as completed by having the ability to mandate readers to add commentary and/or upload visual evidence in the form of photos or videos when marking a step or knowby as completed.
Mandatory Commentary: Readers are prompted to input valuable reflections or feedback for each completed step or knowby, enhancing understanding and retention.
Photo/Video Uploads: The feature allows for the upload of visual evidence, demonstrating the practical application or completion of tasks, which is especially beneficial for hands-on instructions.
Customisable Requirements: Creators of knowbys can tailor the level of interaction as follows;
No mandatory fields
Mandatory comments only
Mandatory visual evidence only
Mandatory comments and visual evidence
Visual Evidence Review: Admins can review step or knowby completions and assess compliance to the task requirements.
1. User Interface Enhancements
Step/Completion Button Modification: Update the UI to indicate that additional actions (commentary, photo, or video upload) are required upon marking a step or knowby as completed.
Input Fields for Commentary: Provide a text input field for users to enter their commentary when marking a step or the entire knowby as completed.
Upload Mechanism: Implement an interface for users to upload photos or videos. This interface should support common file formats and indicate any restrictions (e.g., file size, aspect ratio).
Commentary Validation: Ensure that the commentary input field is validated for the presence of text (non-empty) if this step is mandatory.
Media Upload Validation: Validate uploaded photos/videos for file type, size, and potentially content appropriateness.
Storage: Establish a storage solutions for hosting the uploaded media.
Completion Criteria Logic: Update the backend to recognise a step or knowby as completed only when all required actions (adding commentary, uploading photos/videos) are fulfilled.
Error Handling: Implement robust error handling for failed uploads or incomplete submissions, providing clear feedback to the user.
Progress Indicators: Provide visual cues or progress indicators when a user completes parts of the requirement (e.g., commentary added, photo uploaded).
Success Confirmation: Notify the user of successful step or knowby completion, including all mandatory actions.
Completion Analytics: Provide the ability to track and report on the completion rates, types of commentary, and media uploaded to understand compliance.
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In Review
💡 Feature Request
11 months ago
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In Review
💡 Feature Request
11 months ago
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